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Articles in books and monographs


"The Crisis in U.S. Public Diplomacy,” with Nicholas J. Cull, in Project on National Security Reform – Case Studies Working Group Report, Vol. II, Richard Weitz, ed. (U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, 2012), pp. 543-642.


"Synchronizing Rhetoric, Policy, and Action,” in Michael Waller, ed., Strategic Influence: Public Diplomacy, Counterpropaganda, and Political Warfare (The Institute of World Politics Press, 2010).


“Obsolete Restrictions on Public Diplomacy Hurt U.S. Outreach and Strategy” – Heritage Foundation Backgrounder,  


“An Asset Built in Fits and Starts,” in Michael Waller, ed., The Public Diplomacy Reader (The Institute of World Politics Press, 2007).


"Why America Is Such a Hard Sell: Beyond Pride and Prejudice" – Heritage Foundation Lecture, 


“The Indivisibility of Freedom,” University of Missouri-St. Louis, May 15th, 1998 [Lecture monograph]


PLO Manipulation of the U.N. and United States Policy, Issues Report, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA, Vol.1, No.1), March 1990.


The U.N.: Assessing Soviet Abuses, with Ralph K. Bennett, Institute for European Defence & Strategic Studies, London, 1988.


The Global Revolution and the Need for Civic Education in the Former Soviet Bloc (IFES, 1995).  Published in English, Ukrainian, and Russian.


"Encounter, at the End," in Widziek Madrosc W Wolnosci (Warsaw, KTP Press, 1991).


"The Problem of Antisemitism in Romania," in The New Eastern Europe: Politics, Human Rights, and Jews, (B'nai B'rith International, Washington, D.C., 1990).


"Becoming Part of the Problem," in Taking Sides:  Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in World Politics, John T. Rourke, ed. The Dushkin Publishing Group, 1990.


Testimony in Standards and Due Process, Procedures for Granting, Denying, and Revoking Security Clearances, Joint Hearings before the Congress, Committee on the Judiciary Serial No. 85, October 5, Nov. 2, 16, 1989; Feb. 28, March 8, 1990


Testimony in "Workshop on U.S. USSR Commercial Relations," April 17, 1989, A Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Congressional Research Service, June 1990.


"The U.N. and Shattered Illusions," in Consent of the Governed, ed. by Marcel Lewinski et al.; (Scott, Foresman and Co. 1987).


"The United States and the United Nations," in World Politics Debated, Herbert M. Levine, McGraw Hill, 1983.  Also published in Poland by the Committee in Support of Solidarity (Krakow: 1987).


"A Brief Encounter" in Henry Francis Regnery 1945-1979: In Memoriam, Three Oaks, Michigan 1980.


Selections from Notes From the Other Side of Night in Edith Blicksilver, ed., The Ethnic American Woman, Kendall/Hunt, 1979.




"The Slaughter and the Spring," DOCEMET Productions Blog, June 3, 2024.


"A Noble Dream," Law & Liberty, March 14, 2024.


"Hayek and the End of Truth," American Institute for Economic Research, Feb. 27, 2024.


"Antisemitism is Not for Jews Only," DocEmet Productions Blog, Feb. 25, 2024. 


"Where is the moral compass of the campus?" Jewish News Syndicate, Oct. 24, 2023.


"Immoral Equivalence," City Journal, Oct. 10, 2023.


"Classical, New, or Conservative Liberalism?" Law & Liberty, April 20, 2023.


"The Peace of Fields," The New English Review, Feb. 2024.


"No Laughing Matter: On the Great Reset and the Death of Comedy," RealClear Books&Culture, Jan. 6, 2023.


"The Primacy of Liberty," Law & Liberty, Nov. 16, 2022


"A political reality check for Sweden," Jewish News Syndicate, Oct. 11, 2022.


"The Pentagon should respect religious freedom, Jewish News Syndicate, July 19, 2022.


"Democratic Internationalism is Orwellian Newspeak for Illiberal Globalism," DocEmet Productions, April 30, 2022.


"Who am I?" Jewish News Syndicate, April 8, 2022.


"Putin's 'De-Nazification' Claim Began with Marx and Stalin," Wall Street Journal, March 11, 2022


"The true tenets of Judaism repudiate, not endorse, BDS," Jewish News Syndicate, Aug. 18, 2021.


"What Does the Left Think About Cuba Now?” Law & Liberty, Aug. 6, 2021


"The Google letter,” Jewish News Syndicate, June 4, 2021.


"Fascism re-examined," Jewish News Syndicate, October 2, 2020.


"2020 America and the Cancel Culture of Fools,” Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, September 8, 2020.

“Scholars vs. Ideologues,” Academic Questions, July 19, 2020.

"Armageddon Now,” The American Mind, July 13, 2020.


"The System of Natural Liberty," Starting Points Journal, May 1, 2020.


"Goodbye, Pali!" Academic Questions, Spring 2020.


"Back on the Road to Nowhere," Law & Liberty, Dec. 18, 2019.


"It’s Not about Israel or Grandmothers, It’s about US," Law & Liberty, Sept. 11, 2019.


"A Dissident Outlines Soviet Communism," Wall Street Journal, October 28, 2019.


"Hitler and Stalin Were Not Such Strange Bedfellows," Wall Street Journal, Aug. 23, 2019.


"How Jews Understand Nationalism and How They Should" InFocus, Summer 2017.


"Let’s Take Exception to the Term ‘American Exceptionalism’” Wall Street Journal, April 28, 2017.


"America First but not America Over Others," Starting Points, March 27, 2017.


"The Unbearable Lightness of America’s 2016 Presidential Campaign,” Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Spring 2016.


"Dreams as Nightmares: From Nazism and Communism to Behemoth," Journal of Scholarly Publishing, V. 9, 9/6/14, 11:11, pp. 38-385. 


"Apres Moi, Le Deluge," Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. VI, No. 1, 2012.


“American Exceptionalism: Implications for Strategic Communication,"  Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. II No. 3, 2008. 


"U.S. Needs a Coordinated Global Outreach Strategy,” World Politics Review, May 16, 2007.


“Scholar Discusses Why United States Is Perceived Poorly Overseas,” USINFO Webchat transcript, May 10, 2007


“Why America is Such a Hard Sell,” Heritage Foundation Lecture Series #1003, March 20, 2007


“Pentagon Papers,” The American Enterprise, Dec. 2005.


“Trust Civil Society,” with Keith Henderson, in Wall Street Journal-Europe, July 3, 2002.


“Finding Home, and The City of Death,” The ?Washington Times, Jan.27, 2002.


“Bosnia is Looking to the Future,” The Washington Times, Aug. 16, 2001.


“Election Realities,” comment on Fareed Zakaria, in Foreign Affairs, May/June 1998.


 “Democratic Transition in Central Asia: An Assessment,” SAIS Review, Summer-Fall 1998.


“Natural Society Revisited,” The Freeman, June 1998.


“Democracy is the Latest Target for Development in Asia,” The Asian Wall Street Journal, May 29, 1997.


“A Tale of Two Elections,” The Wall Street Journal-Europe, Dec. 23, 1996.


“Ukraine’s Metamorphosis,” The Washington Times, Sept. 3, 1996.


“And Russia’s Shaky First,” The Wall Street Journal-Europe, Oct. 18, 1995


“Learning from Eastern Europe,” The Washington Times, Oct. 1, 1995.


"What the People Think," The Wall Street Journal-Europe, Feb. 9, 1995.


"Moldova's Balance Between Russia and Reform," The Wall Street Journal-Europe, Feb. 23, 1994.


"The Ugly Face of Fascism in Romania," The Wall Street Journal-Europe, June 25, 1993.


"Romania's Stubborn Democrats," Freedom Review, vol. 23, No. 6, Dec. 1992.


"Despite Politics, Romania's Free Marketers Prevail," The Wall Street Journal-Europe, Oct. 7, 1992.


"Royal Return in Romania," The Washington Times, May 10, 1992.


"Post-Communist Nationalism: The Case of Romania," The World & I, Feb. 1992.


"A Great Man and a Great Idea," The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 18, 1991.


"Romania Waiting at the Gate?"  The Washington Times, November 8, 1991.


"From Kafka to Hayek," Policy Review, Summer 1991.


"Despite Hardships, Central Europe Loves the Market," The Wall Street Journal-Europe, May 10-11, 1991.  Reprinted in USIA Wireless File, June 27, 1991.


"Individualism and Ethnicity Reconciled," in Contrapunct (Counterpoint), Bucharest, April 1991.


Translation of "Wanderers" by Dan Pavel (from Romanian), in The New Republic, March 4, 1991.


"Window to a Revolution," The Washington Times, October 2, 1990.


"The Morality of Self Defense," USA Today Magazine, Sept. 1990.


"After the Deluge," in AGORA, vol. 3, no. 2, July 1990 and in Romania Literara, August 1990.


"Paths of Help to Romanians," The Washington Times, July 27, 1990.  Reprinted in Romania Libera (Free Romania), Bucharest, July 29, 1990.


"Romania:  The Reconstruction of a Nation's Heart," The Wall Street Journal-Europe, May 23, 1990.


"U.S. Soviet Scientific Exchanges," The World & I, March 1990.


"Romania:  A Revolution Hijacked," Uncaptive Minds, Jan. Feb. 1990.


"Romania's Revolution:  Is It Being Hijacked?" San Diego Union-Sunday Opinion, Feb. 25, 1990.


"After the Fall," Reason, March 1990.


"Ceausescu's Men: Trained by PLO and Libya," The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 27, 1989.


"Human Rights vs. Doing Business in the USSR," Detroit News, Nov. 30, 1989.


"The Untoppled Domino," The Washington Times, November 29, 1989.


"Pacifism and the West: An Apology for Suicide," IMPRIMIS, July 1989, Volume 18, No. 7.


"A Plea for Choice," Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, July 1989.


"Visit with Great Expectations," The Washington Times, July 3, 1989.


"High Tech Transfer Pressure," The Washington Times, April 11, 1989.


"Setting Up the Rope Factory," The World & I, Nov. 1988.


"Technology Leaks in Soviet Joint Ventures," The Wall Street Journal-Europe, Sept. 8, 1988.


"Human Rights in Romania," Religion in Communist Dominated Areas, Vol. II, 1988.


"The U.N.'s FAO:  Becoming Part of the Problem," symposium feature article in Social Science and Modern Society, Sept./Oct. 1988.


"Too Many Deals with Moscow," Los Angeles Herald Examiner, Aug. 14, 1988.


"Looking On is Not Enough," The Washington Times, July 12, 1988.


"INFACT: Tax Exempt 'Class Struggle' Against Corporate America," June 1988 issue of "Organization Trends," Capital Research Center.


"Human Rights and Trade," The Washington Times, June 1, 1988.


"Waldheim Opened Doors for PLO in U.N.," Moment, April 1988.


"Partial Victory for Anti-Terrorism Forces," The Washington Times, Sept. 30, 1987.


"Should We Allow the PLO in the U.S.?"  Moment, Sept. 1987.


"Congress on Target Against Romania," Human Events, July 4, 1987.


"Here's Why the U.N. Doesn't Have Money," The New York Times, June 30, 1987.  Reprinted in The International Herald Tribune, July 1, 1987.


"Open Up the U.N.'s Nazi Files," The Detroit News, June 11, 1987.


"Israel Again Tests U.N. Group," The Washington Times, June 23, 1987.


"Congress to Romania:  Shape Up," The Washington Times, May 19, 1987.


"Joining the U.N. Jackals," The Washington Times, March 30, 1987.




J. Michael Waller, Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains, "Deep State Virus," City Journal, Apr. 25, 2024.


Mike Gonzalez and Katherine Gorka, NextGen Marxism: What It Is and How To Combat It, "The Sixties’ Toxic Legacy," American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), June 3, 2024. 


Alex Ryvchin, The 7 Deadly Myths: Antisemitism from the time of Christ to Kanye West, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Oct. 5, 2023.


Andrew Porwancher, The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton, Law & Liberty, Oct. 3, 2023.


Anika Prather and Angel Adams Parham, The Black Intellectual Tradition: Reading Freedom in Classical Literature,  Academic Questions, Summer 2023.


Richard Landes, Can “The Whole World” Be Wrong? Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism, and Global Jihad, "The Whole World Can Indeed be Wrong. Dead Wrong," The New English Review, June 2023.


Eric Rozenman, From Elvis to Trump, Eyewitness to the Unraveling, "All Anyone Can Do: A Midwestern Journalist’s Retrospective," RealClearBooks, Feb. 7, 2023.


Michael Walsh, Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order, "No Laughing Matter," RealClearBooks, Jan. 6, 2023.


David L. Friedman, Woke Antisemitism, "Ideological Antisemitism on the Left," Law & Liberty, Dec. 13, 2022.


Douglas Murray, The War on the West: How to Prevail in the Age of Unreason, Israel Journal for Foreign Affairs, Vol. 16, Issue 3, Dec. 8, 2022.


Jeffrey Bloom, Alec Goldstein and Gil Student, eds., Strauss, Spinoza & Sinai, Law & Liberty, June 16, 2022.


Max Oppenheimer, Squirrel Hill, Law & Liberty, March 4, 2022.


Dara Horn, People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present, Israel Journal for Foreign Affairs, Vol. 3, Issue 8, 2022.


Ruth Wisse, Free as a Jew: A Personal Memoir of National Self-Liberation, Law & Liberty, Nov. 24, 2021 


Christopher J. Farrell, Exiled Emissary, RealClearBooks, Dec. 15, 2021.


Michal Oshman, What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid?: Discover a Life Filled with Purpose and Joy Through the Secrets of Jewish Wisdom, Law & Liberty, June 29, 2021.


Mark Gerson, The Telling, Law & Liberty, March 15, 2021


Samuel Gregg, Reason, Faith, and the Struggle for Western Civilization, Cato Journal, Spring/Summer 2020


Colin S. Beck, Radicals, Revolutionaries, and Terrorists, Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 32, 2020


Vladimir Bukovsky, Judgment at Moscow, Law & Liberty, Oct. 23, 2019


Dean Reuter, Colm Lowery, and Keith Chester, The Hidden Nazi: The Untold Story of America's Deal with the Devil, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs,

Sept. 2019.


Hugo García, Mercedes Yusta, Xavier Tabet, and Cristina Clímaco, eds., Rethinking Antifascism: History, Memory and Politics, 1922 to the Present,Terrorism and Political Violence, Volume 31, 2019 - Issue 6  


Eric Rozenman, Jews Make the Best Demons: “Palestine” and the Jewish Question, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2018.


Daniel Mahoney, The Idol of Our Age: How the Religion of Humanity Subverts Christianity, Law & Liberty, March 11, 2019.


Robert S. Wistrich, From Ambivalence to Betrayal: The Left, the Jews, and Israel, Law & Liberty, Jan. 18, 2019.


Jack Jacobs, ed., Jews and Leftist Politics: Judaism, Israel, Antisemitism, and Gender; Robert Fine and Philip Spencer, Antisemitism and the left: On the return of the Jewish Question, in Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2018.


Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam, and James Kirchick, The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age, in Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2017.


Simon Geissbuhler, ed., Romania and the Holocaust, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2017.


Thomas H. Henriksen, Eyes, Ears & Daggers: Special Operations Forces and the Central Intelligence Agency in America’s Evolving Struggle Against Terrorism, Washington Free Beacon, March 18, 2017.


Robert J. Lieber, Retreat and Its Consequences: American Foreign Policy and the Problem of World Order,  Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2017.


Robert D. Kaplan, In Europe's Shadow: Two Cold Wars and a Thirty-Year Journey Through Romania and Beyond, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2016.  


David Kilkullen,  Blood Year: The Unravelling of Western Counterterrorism, Washington Free Beacon, Sept. 11, 2016


Richard Legutko,The Demon in Democracy: Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies, Washington Free Beacon, May 8, 2016.


Harry Redner, The Tragedy of European Civilization: Towards an Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century, Cato Journal, Vol. 36, No. 2 (Spring/Summer 2016).


Stephen D. Bryen, Technology, Security, and National Power: Winners and Losers, Parameters, Spring 2016.


Jay Nordlinger,  Children of Monsters: An Inquiry Into the Sons and Daughters of Dictators, Washington Free Beacon, eb 28, 2016. vol. 21, no. 1, Winter 2014-2015


Julian Richards, The Art of Intelligence, Intelligencer, Vol. 21, No. 1, Winter, 2014-15.


Karl Erik Haug and Ole Jorge Maao, Conceptualizing Modern War, Intelligencer, vol. 19, Winter/Spring 2013.


Edward Alexander, The State of the Jews: A Critical Appraisal, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, vol. VII, no. 1, 2013.


Manfred Gerstenfeld, The Abuse of Holocaust Memory: Distortions and Responses, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, vol. IV, no. 2, 2010.


George Lucas, Anthropologists in Arms: The Ethics of Military Anthropology, International Journal of Intelligence Ethics, Spring 2010, vol. 1, no. 1.


Meg Wilson, Health Behavior of Homeless Women: Using a Cross-selectional, Descriptive, and Non-Experimental Design, Gender Issues, vol. 25, no. 2, June 2008


Josef Joffe, Uberpower, in The Journal of International Security Affairs. No. 13, Fall 2007.


Akbar Ahmed, Journey Inside Islam, World Politics Review, May 31, 2007.


Paul Hollander, From Gulag to the Killing Fields, and The End of Commitment, The National Interest, No. 88, Mar/Apr. 2007.


Andrew Kohut and Bruce Stokes, America Against the World: How We Are Different and Why We Are Disliked? and Julia E. Sweig, Friendly Fire: Losing Friends and Making Enemies in the Anti-American Century, Mediterranean Quarterly, Winter 2007.


Marek Chodakiewicz, Miracle at Jedwabne, The American Enterprise, Papers & Studies, May 1, 2006.


Joseph Nye, Jr., Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics, and Claes Ryn, America the Virtuous: The Crisis of Democracy and the Quest for Empire, Mediterranean Quarterly, Spring 2005.


Azar Nafisi, Reading Lolita in Tehran, The American Enterprise, Dec. 2003.


Anne Applebaum, Gulag, The American Enterprise, Aug. 2003.


Saul Bellow, Ravelstein, Humanitas, vol XIII, No. 2, 2000


"American Beauty" reviewed as "Shadows: Comments on the Modern Cave," Humanitas, vol. XII, No. 2, 1999.


Jack Snyder, From Voting to Violence: Democratization and Nationalist Conflict, The Cato Journal, V. 20, #2.


Ralf Dahrendorf, After 1989: Morals, Revolution, and Civil Society, The Cato Journal, vol. 18, no. 1.


“The Portrait of a Lady: A Case Study of Flawed Will and Imagination,” Humanitas, Vol. XI, No. 1, 1998.


“'The English Patient:' A Classical Tragedy of Love and Paradox,”  Humanitas, vol. X, no. 1, 1997.


Francis Fukuyama, Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity, Common Sense, Fall 1995.


Andrew Nagorski, The Birth of Freedom: Shaping Lives and Societies in the New Eastern Europe (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993), The World & I, Jan. 1994.


Stjepan G. Mestrovic, The Road from Paradise: Prospects for Democracy in Eastern Europe, The Journal of Psychiatry & Law, Fall 1993.


Larry Diamond and Marc Plattner, eds., The Global Resurgence of Democracy, Freedom Review, Nov.-Dec. 1993


Freedom in the World: The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties, The Journal of Democracy, July 1993..


Aharon Appelfeld, Katerina, The World & I, March 1993.


Leszek Kolakowski, Modernity on Trial, Chronicles, September 1991.


Ferenc Feher and Andrew Arato, eds., Crisis and Reform in Eastern Europe, National Review, 1991.


Andrei Codrescu, The Hole in the Flag, The Washington Times, June 31, 1991.


Vladimir Tismaneanu, In Search of Civil Society,Reason, January 1991.


Aharon Appelfeld, The Healer, The World & I, December 1990.


Eva Hoffman, Lost in Translation: A Life in a New Language, The World & I, December 1989.  Reprinted in AGORA, vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1990 (in Romanian) and in Znak, Feb. March 1990 (in Polish).


William E. Griffith, ed., Central and Eastern Europe: The Opening Curtain? The Washington Times, Aug. 22, 1989.


Janusz Bugajski and Maxine Pollack, East European Fault Lines: Dissent, Opposition, and Social Activism, The Washington Times, July 31, 1989.


Natan Sharansky, Fear No Evil; Vasyl Stus, Selected Poems; Irina Ratushinskaya, Grey is the Color of Hope; The World & I, Aug. 1989.


Judy Shelton, The Coming Soviet Crash, The World & I, July 1989.


Natan Sharansky, Fear No Evil, Social Science and Modern Society, May/June 1989.


Raymond Gastil, ed., Freedom in the World, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, April 1989.


Janice Broun, Conscience and Captivity: Religion in Eastern Europe, News Network International, vol. 1, no. 2.


Mircea Eliade, The Old Man and the Bureaucrats, Reason, Feb. 1989.


Vladimir Tismaneanu, The Crisis of Marxist Ideology in Eastern Europe: The Poverty of Utopia, Orbis and National Review, April 7, 1989.


Nicholas N. Kittrie and Ivan Volgyes, eds., The Uncertain Future: Gorbachev's Eastern Bloc, The Washington Times, Dec. 13, 1988.


I.M. Pacepa, Red Horizons, National Review, April 1, 1988.


John J. Dziak, Chekisty: A History of the KGB, Human Events, March 26, 1988.  Also Orbis, Spring 1988.


The U.N.: In or Out? A Debate Between Ernest Van Den Haag and John P. Conrad, National Review, Sept. 25, 1987.


Robert Conquest, ed., The Last Empire: Nationality and the Soviet Future, The Washington Times, Jan. 20, 1987.


Vladislav Krasnov, Soviet Defectors, Commentary, Sept. 1986.


Simone Signoret, Adieu Volodya, The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 15, 1986.


Thomas M. Franck, Nation Against Nation, The Detroit News, Sept. 18, 1985.


Arkady Shevchenko, Breaking with Moscow, Los Angeles Times, March 10, 1985.


Richard Shultz, Jr. and Roy Godson, Dezinformatsia, Policy Review, Fall 1984, no. 30.



Heritage Foundation Publications - 1980s



"A Yellow Light on U.S. Joint Ventures with the Soviets," Aug. 4, 1988.


"The U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization: Becoming Part of the Problem," Jan. 4, 1988.


"The Center for Transnational Corporations: How the U.N. Injures Poor Nations," Oct. 5, 1987.


"A U.S. Agenda for the World Health Organization," April 28, 1987.


"A Dozen Questions for Congress to Ask the U.N. Secretary General," March 4, 1987.


"Assessing the U.N.'s 41st General Assembly," Jan. 22, 1987.


"The Report that the U.N. Wants to Suppress: Soviet Atrocities in Afghanistan," Jan. 12, 1987.


"At the U.N., Soviet Fronts Pose as NGOs," Dec. 1986.


"The U.N.:  Its Problems and What to Do About Them," Sept. 16, 1986.


Executive Memorandum #132: "Four Ways of Halting U.N. Based Spying Against the United States," Sept. 3, 1986.


"Romania Breaks Its Bargain With the U.S. on Trade Favors," Aug. 1, 1986.


Executive Memorandum #120: "For Yassir Arafat, the U.S. Must Be Off Limits," May 21, 1986.


"For the World Health Organization, The Moment of Truth," April 30, 1986.


"The U.N. is Not Exempt from Budget Belt Tightening," written with Roger Brooks, Feb. 28, 1986.


"The PLO's Valuable Ally, the U.N.," Dec. 17, 1985.


"Why Romania No Longer Deserves to Be a Most Favored Nation," June 26, 1985.


"The U.N. Relief and Works Organization Has Failed the Palestinian Refugees," May 28, 1985.


"Are U.N. Camps Cheating Refugees in Honduras?" July 23, 1984.


“Human Righs” and “International Organizations.” in Mandate for Leadership, Vol. II.


U.N. Chapters in Agenda '83 and Agenda '84.


Introduction, section on human rights, and appendix on human rights in the U.N. Report on P.L. 98 164, June 18, 1984.


Executive Memorandum #54: "It's Time to Curb U.N. Based Spies," June 7, 1984.


"The Many Ways the U.N. Serves the USSR," May 3, 1984.


"The Tariff Act of 1930: Taking a Stand Against Slave Labor," Feb. 8, 1984.


"P. L. 98 194: The U.N. Under Scrutiny," Jan. 17, 1984.


Executive Memo. #42: "The Hypocrisy of U.N. Human Rights Day," Dec. 6, 1983.


"Moscow's U.N. Outpost," Nov. 22, 1983.


"Closing the U.S. Soviet Diplomatic Gap," Oct. 18, 1983.


"Staunching the Technology Flow to Moscow," Sept. 23, 1983 (co authored with Bruce Weinrod).


"The United Nations' Campaign Against Israel," June 16, 1983.


Executive Memorandum #20: "Blinking at the Law, the State Department Helps the PLO," April 19, 1983.


"Americans at the U.N.: An Endangered Species," Feb. 14, 1983.


Executive Memo. #7: "What Does the U.N. Have Against Israel?" Oct. 21, 1982.


"Slave Labor and the Soviet Pipeline," Sept. 1982.


"Through the Looking Glass: The Political Culture of the U.N.," Aug. 27, 1982.


"The U.N. and Human Rights: The Double Standard," May 11, 1982.


"Strategic Trade with Moscow: U.S. Leverage in the Polish Crisis," January 2, 1982.




Numerous radio and TV appearances, lectures, participation in panels, and organizing conferences

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